Kentico Xperience MVP

Kentico Xperience Marketing MVP Blog

Recently I had the honor of being named Kentico Xperience MVP. Not just a MVP but the first ever Marketing MVP. On this page I will share my blog posts, video's and articles about all the great digital marketing features Kentico has to offer.

I am Kentico Practice Lead at Aviva Solutions and passionate about helping businesses achieve digital growth through a better understanding of their digital maturity. Leveraging technology to support your digital goals aligned with your maturity level creates the steady growth you need. In the end its not about the tech but how its able to support your business needs.

Kentico MVP Roel Kuik profile photo

Kentico Connection recap

The insights from 2 days of Connection in Brno.

Check it out

MVP Summit recap

The annual meeting for all Kentico MVP's.

Read it!

Digital Maturity: Human Factor

There's more to Digital Maturity then just technology.

Read it!

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